Flight overbooking specialists suffering even after they stop causing trouble to travelers, due to pandemic

Bonnet Bots Satire News Service
Latest research by the Bonnet Bots has shown that one of the most affected niche jobs in the world, where the drop in income has been the most drastic, is that of the flight overbooking specialists. Airlines have turned a blind eye to this special group of specialists that has helped them earn millions in undeserved revenue, the only cost being a few frustrated customers.
“People are talking about bigger industries like hospitality and finance, but nobody cares about those in niche industries where our expertise otherwise helps our employers make millions”, said Richard, who specializes in overbooking optimization. “So your job ensures that not too many people suffer from overbooking?” asked the blue Bonnet Bot. “No, it ensures that overbooked people almost never get any compensation from my employer due to my perfectly worded terms and conditions,” said the specialist.
The Bonnet Bots interviewed some frequent fliers to know their opinion about this. “In the past, I used to say ‘poor me’ when I was denied boarding a pre-planned flight due to overbooking, but now after reading about this, I find myself saying “poor flight overbooking specialist”, said Battoot Yanker, a dental veterinarian for female fruit bats. She told both the Bonnet Bots that in future, she will never curse or troll online the people responsible for her travel problems, as ‘they too are vulnerable human beings like us’.
“In the past, I used to say ‘poor me’ when I was denied boarding a pre-planned flight due to overbooking, but now after reading about this, I find myself saying “poor flight overbooking specialist”
– Battoot Yanker, a dental veterinarian for female fruit bats
Some of these overbooking specialists are now solving unemployment problems for psychiatrists and psychologists by becoming their patients, while some have diversified into other professions, by introducing overbooking into now-flourishing industries such as bookings for hospital beds and medical equipment, among other things. However, some have failed, trying to bring overbooking principles into the few restaurant tables that are back in business, thanks to ‘unfair’ social distancing norms.