Chaos ensues after ‘Bring Girlfriend to Work’ Day changed last minute to ‘Family Day’ after invites already out

Major havoc engulfed the offices of AutoHomade, an MNC involved in the automated manufacturing of ‘homemade’ branded products, when their HR tried to make a last-minute change to a planned employee event. The cutest Robots on the Internet, viz. the Bonnet Bots, reached the office to investigate, just before the ‘party’ ended.
On the lines of ‘Bring your Kids to Work’ day celebrated last year, the HR had organized a ‘Bring your Girlfriend to Work’ day in the week leading to Christmas. However, after senior management expressed discomfort in the theme, the HR changed it at the last moment to a less brave ‘Family Day’.
“HR wanted to ensure that the last-minute change didn’t reduce attendance, so they proactively invited employee families themselves, and some employees themselves did not know this”
–Emmasec Retary, a secretary who wished to remain anonymous
“But all guys had already sent invites to their Girlfriends, and instead of canceling, most planned to get their girlfriends to pose as their wives instead of troubling both, family and girlfriend, with the last-minute change,” Emmasec told the Bonnet Bots. “But HR had already asked me to invite the families by the time I came to know about this” she said, almost with a tear in her eye. “I think I let them down. The guys trust me as I’m the only female in the company, other than the HR lady” she confided, again requesting secrecy. (The readers of are requested not to mention this to anyone so that we can respect Emmasec Retary’s privacy).

“Major chaos overtook the entire office,” said Twoo Timmer, a general manager for ‘Grandma’s Handmade’ brand of the company. “Several wives who attended the event came face-to-face with the respective ‘worst halves’ of their husbands, leading to a few tense situations,” he told the Blue Bonnet Bot.

But not all incidences were grim. “Some women instantly became friends with girlfriends of other women’s husbands, and all was fine except a few sporadic fist-fights here and there” Twoo added.

At the time of going to press, the Human Resources (HR) team had partially accepted responsibility for the situation and announced compensation for all employees who could provide proof of damage caused, by submitting a joint statement of the wife and respective girlfriend.
Image credits: Cover photo Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels, man in cover photo by Photo by Dima Valkov from Pexels