Experts find conclusive evidence of China’s involvement in COVID-19 vaccine

A task force of ‘experts’ has finally found conclusive evidence of a Chinese hand in the vaccine sold the world over by pharma company ‘Sinopharm’, it has come to light. “The breakthrough was achieved by researchers, who were looking for a clue with the help of WHO, who had promised to find who was responsible for the virus, and who was responsible for its origin, or the origin of anything or anyone who was related to the virus. Thus, looking into the vaccines too was in the purview of the task force,” stated Dr. Whoo Emmeye, while speaking to the Bonnet Bots. He was observing the developments as they happened, and hence was the first one to get access to the Bonnet Bots.

The Bonnet Bots were also told that the task force was so far unsuccessful in investigating China’s role in anything after China categorically said they were innocent. “They hadn’t allowed us access to the Covid labs or even the vaccine labs. But the vaccine was openly being marketed by Sinopharm. Our investigators were the first to bring it to the notice of the world that this company must have had Chinese ties because they had openly declared that they are
headquartered in Beijing. Our team joined the dots, proving that China had a hand in the vaccine and the fact that the vaccine was 100% man-made. We always doubted that the Beijing-headquartered company was responsible for the vaccine, even back in 2020 when the vaccine was first discussed. Though it may seem obvious to an outsider, the task force had managed to be the first ones to say things conclusively.” concluded Dr. Whoo.
At the time of going to press, the task force had conclusively concluded that even the other COVID vaccines, including Sinovac, and also the vaccines from ‘western countries’ and from India, had active ingredients that were man-made in China.
Image credits: Cover Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels